Friday, August 26, 2011

Review: Immortal Kiss by J.K. Coi

Immortal Kiss
(Immortal Warriors # 2)
by J.K. Coi
Paranormal Romance

I have a confession to make. I bought all 4 Immortal Warriors books almost two years ago because a friend was dying to read them, and I thought they looked really good. I read the first one and thought it was a pretty interesting world, and hot and steamy (just how I like it) and then... Other books got in the way, and I completely forgot I had the rest of this series to read!!!

So, let me tell you who are the Immortal Warriors. Basically they are humans who, even though sometimes don't know it, they will be changed or turned into an immortal but only when another immortal dies and he has to take his place. Their mission is to fight and kill vampires.

So this is basically what happened to Baron. He was a somewhat normal teenager, didn't know anything about what his future would hold, he was the popular kid. He dealt with having a sick brother during those years, Jackson. Jackson had only one very good friend, Maxine, a girl down on her luck with a lot of family issues.

Now, years later, after he's left his family and past behind and become a fierce Immortal Warrior, and can I just say SEXY AS HELL, he comes face to face with beautiful Maxine again. After his brother Jackson is in his deathbed, he sends Maxine in search of his brother, except she runs into a rogue vampire who turns her before she can get to him.

Baron has to protect her from turning into an evil bloodsucker, protect the rest of his team members from her, and kill her maker.

And at the same time come to terms with the feelings he has always had for her. Their love was always there and I just loved the two of them together.

I really want to see where Jackson's story can go from here, he's just so cute! We also get a small glimpse of Rhys and Amy (from book 1) and she's pregnant!

This book is plenty hot, it has a really good storyline so be sure to pick it up!

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