Friday, August 26, 2011

Sarah Palin presents flute playing as a metaphor to explain how she approaches politics.

In my opinion this video of the future Grizzled Mama, massacring a flute solo during her failed attempt in 1984 to win the crown of Miss Alaska, provides just about everything one needs to know about Sarah Palin the "politician" of today.

It does not take anybody with a great knowledge of music to recognize that this is somebody who simply did NOT put in the time to really master her instrument.  Much like the Palin of today, who NEVER really puts in the hard work to understand the issues that she is expected to know about as a potential Presidential candidate.

It also painfully evident that little Sarah Heath is not disciplined enough to play the proper notes at the proper time. Instead she goes all "mavericky" and plays any damn note she pleases, while assuming that the much louder music accompanying her will drown out any mistakes.  Of course this is much like how Palin makes ridiculous statements on Fox News while expecting Hannity, or one of the other paid arbiters of misinformation, to polish it up to look like a pearl of wisdom instead of yet another intelligence free moose nugget. 

After she finishes Sarah Louise stands swaying unsteadily (Which in her church I believe was referred to as "Dirty Dancing.") to the background music, while staring out at the audience with her wonky eye and daring them to say anything negative.  If they had, just like today, she would have written down their names and made it her mission to destroy each and every one of them.

You know I have done some research and I understand that this was in fact Sarah Heath's THIRD choice for the talent portion of the beauty contest.  The first two choices were "butchering the English language" and "faking a pregnancy." However when the all male judging panel asked her when she first became interested in the flute and she started her explanation with "You know this one time at band camp.."

The rest, as they say, is history.

Later of course Palin would work to master two entirely new talents, "hair design through electrocution" and  the "art of the glassy eyed hypnotic stare." 

But sadly Sister Sarah's days as an empty headed, marginally attractive, beauty contestant were over. And she later went on to become an empty headed, marginally attractive, political contestant.

P.S. Hey you know maybe Bristol WAS right that Michele Bachmann is stealing her mom's look.

Wow!  That is just freaky!

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