The idea that Michele Bachmann is ACTIVELY trying to supplant the Grizzled Mama in Teabagger hearts is simply ridiculous. Bachmann even said so herself a few days ago.
"They want to see two girls come together and have a mud wrestling fight, and I am not going to give that to them," Bachmann told a voter Wednesday who asked about her relationship with the former Alaska governor.
See media? No mud wrestling! (Even though from a purely male perspective that would be pretty AWESOME! Sorry, had a little testosterone surge there.)
So get over it media. Just because they sound alike, screw up historical facts alike, and dress alike,
sometimes exactly alike, it does NOT mean that Michele is trying to rip Sarah Palin off.
So just relax and enjoy watching Bachmann launch her Presidential campaign with her bus tour, and....
Oh come on! ALL candidates have a bus that they ride around on to meet the voters. Why must we compare Bachmann's bus to....
Wow, they are similar aren't they? Are those even different buses, or did she actually steal Palin's bus and repaint it?
Well forget about the buses, because beyond that they have very little in common. And I am sure that most political observers would agree with me on that.
I'm sorry Sarah Jones, of Politicususa, what is that you are saying?
Both Bachmann and Palin are GOP puppets; religious extremists dressed up, puffed up and pushed out, sold to the highest bidder to put a pretty face on ugly ideas. Both women seem nice enough from afar, both are ostensibly good mothers from afar, both are absolutely hypocritical on almost every issue they purport to stand for and too ignorant to know it. Both are wildly over-confident, in the way that can only come from a small mind that cannot conceive of larger issues beyond the self-aggrandizing, unregulated id that drives them.
Both women bring out the worst in our culture. Both appeal to the lurking sexism, hooking it with a wink and bringing all women down into the mud with them if we dare call them out on it. Yes, if we dare say a word, we are then labeled ugly haters or “fat”. It’s as if we are back in Junior High, only I never knew anyone so shameless and tawdry as either of these two women in Junior High. It offends me to even address their vulgar cries for attention via their sexuality.
Oookay, well perhaps I misspoke.
Fine, I guess Bristol IS right for once and Bachmann is copying her mother (And doing it better by the way), but SURELY Sarah Palin is a big enough person to let it slide and simply enjoy what she has going for her.
You know like Bristol's very successful book tour. Oh that's right.
Well how about her new film? It's not like her supporters have to fake attendance numbers in order to make it seem more pop...oooh that's going to leave a mark.
Okay well Sarah Palin has "tough skin" so I imagine like any Mama Grizzly whose life is in the shitter she is taking all of this in stride, right?
Did anybody else just lose the feeling in their testicles? (Look away, Gryphen, look away!)
Yeah somehow I think that things might be a little chilly at Casa De Grizzly for he next several weeks.
Now if only no OTHER potential candidates do anything to piss her off, or make her feel like even more of a loser, things might just settle down.
From Politico:
Mitt Romney is slated to have private sit-downs with top officials while he's fundraising in London next week, potentially including Prime Minister David Cameron, per the Globe.
The story raises the possibility of a get-together with Margaret Thatcher, which would be noteworthy on a few levels - including her recent reported refusal to take a meeting with Sarah Palin. (Thatcher's office reportedly denied two British papers' stories that there was an intended snub by the elderly former politician) .
Somewhere in Wasilla a refrigerator just screamed in terror.
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