Saturday, July 23, 2011
Sarah Palin has a movie, so of course Michele Bachmann needs a movie too.
Courtesy of Politico:
Conservative organization Citizens United will hit Iowa airwaves next week with advertisements touting its film about Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), who’s already sitting toward the top of most polls in the first-caucus state.
Citizens United president David Bossie said the ad — a $75,000 buy — is not a political message or an independent expenditure in support of Bachmann because it promotes a movie, not a candidate. The ad won’t feature a political disclaimer — Bossie noted that Citizens United, which last year prompted the Supreme Court case that upended long-standing federal campaign finance laws in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision, has a media exemption for such communications.
Though there was a national ad buy to promote the DVD-only “Fire from the Heartland: The Awakening of the Conservative Woman,” when it was released last fall, this is the first advertising during the general election and the first targeted at a state crucial to the presidential election. And though Citizens United has produced films on other conservative figures, including fellow presidential contender Newt Gingrich, the new ad buy is their first and so far only promotion featuring any of the 2012 hopefuls.
“With this ad, we are drafting off a leader, and we’re very lucky because we happen to have a wonderful product and have a front-runner starring in our film,” Bossie said. “We want to place these ads where people are paying attention.”
The 30-spot pictures Bachmann speaking about Americans losing their rights — life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As she speaks, images of President Barack Obama, burning money and angry crowds of people flash on screen.
“Government is treading on very dangerous ground,” Bachmann says. “The sense is coming over us that something is terribly wrong.”
Here let me help the Palin-bots over at the Sea O'Pee write their dismissal of this particular piece of propaganda:
"Yeah, but HER movie is not being shown in actual movie theaters! And she is only doing this to steal the thunder from our beloved Sarah Palin whose eternal light shall shine on this blessed land like a giant sunbed browning our souls with freedom and Christian values."
Of course what might NOT be so easy to explain away is why Citizens United, an uber conservative, somewhat frightening group of neo-Nazi propagandists, are throwing their weight (And sacks of money) behind, chronic migraine sufferer, Michele Bachmann, and not Sister Sarah?
Why can Palin only find one, rather sweaty MILF loving, propaganda film maker to finance her opus while Bachmann seems to have the bottomless pockets of Citizens United standing firmly behind her?
In other words does this mean that the lunatic fringe of the Conservative party have now all washed their hands of Klondike Kardashian, leaving only the MOST deranged inmates still clamoring for a Palin Presidency?
Interesting question no?
By the way perhaps we could all take a moment to give a giant middle finger to the conservatives on the Supreme Court for allowing groups like Citizens United to spend unlimited amounts of money promoting their candidate, or criticizing their political opponents, while clogging the crap out of our airwaves.
Citizens United,
Michele Bachmann,
Sarah Palin,
Supreme Court,
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