For those who have often wondered why Klondike Kardashian wears unnecessary glasses to disguise her lazy eye, receives occasional cosmetic surgery to improve her appearance, and periodically dons a padded bra to accentuate the "girls" (And how THAT could possibly help her politically), this study should provide an "aha" moment for you.
Courtesy of the Science Blog:
Using data from the 2006 U.S. Senate and governors’ races, the study shows that for every 10-point increase in the advantage a candidate has when rated by voters on his or her looks, there will be a nearly 5 percent increase in the vote for that candidate by the uninformed voters who are most firmly planted on their couches. Yet that same advantage in looks is worth only about a 1 percent increase among low-information voters who watch little television.
“It’s not that this effect influences all voters exactly the same way,” says Chappell Lawson, an associate professor of political science at MIT and a co-author of the study. “Voters who watch a lot of television but don’t really know much about the candidates, besides how they look, are particularly susceptible.”
In other words you don't HAVE to demonstrate any intelligence, or hide your batshit craziness too carefully if you can throw on enough high definition make up, tease you hair, and pump up your boobies, to look like this:
All the simple minded, couch potatoes need to know in order to throw their support behind Sarah Palin is that with the right lighting and makeup she can make herself look like somebody they would want to masturbate to.
Or dress up to look like.
Or dress up to look like and THEN masturbate to.
And it seems to work. The first thing you hear repeated over and over again about Palin is how attractive she is, as if that were the single most important factor in choosing a person to lead this country. Everything else that her supporters cite as reasons to support her are a litany of talking points about freedom, taking back this country, and making government smaller, all of which sounds as if they read it off of the back of a red, white, and blue box of Frosted Freedom Flakes.
However what is obvious is that if Palin were not able to make herself look like a Constitution misunderstanding, Civil War re-enacting, Teabagger's wet dream, she would NEVER have received the kind of attention and blind allegiance that she has enjoyed thus far.
Well hell, if you can't beat'em you might as well join'em!
I give up. If all anybody wants to know about Sarah Palin is what she LOOKS LIKE I might as well give the public what they want.
So without any further ado here is Sarah Palin in all of her glory for you Teabaggers to feast your eyes upon.
No, no, no don't bother thanking me, I know when I am beat.
After viewing the above images of their idol (By the way just so you all know NONE of those were photoshopped in any way), I am positive that the Palin supporters admiration and support for Sister Sarah has now become all encompassing.
Poor Barack Obama. The super competent, unbelievably intelligent, goofy eared bastard never had a chance.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The reason why Sarah Palin constantly places the importance of appearance over substance revealed!
Sarah Palin,
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