Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This should answer the question as to WHY the Teabaggers are drawn to Sarah Palin.

And if that was not enough to make you sick to your stomach,  Garry Trudeau also added this snippet from Joe's book:

"Wasilla was so white that there was only one African American in the entire school system. One day when the boy was in junior high school, Todd, then a senior, and two friends waylaid him by the gravel pit adjacent to Wasilla High and beat him up, simply because he was black. 'Sure, Todd was a racist bully, but that just made him one of the guys. Growing up black in Wasilla was hell.'" — from The Rogue, by Joe McGinniss

(Cartoon and text courtesy of  Doonesbury.com)

I have to tell you that this just sickens me. I am so ashamed that this person became the living representative of my state.  And I want all of you to know that not ALL Alaskans are ignorant gun toting racists.

But clearly our half term Governor and her pimp of a husband are.

Perhaps later, when I am not quite so pissed off, I will tell you a story about my brush with racism and how I handled it. I will give you this hint, Todd Palin would have had a VERY different experience if he had gone to my high school!

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