Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Shailey Tripp gets her belongings back from the APD. Well MOST of her belongings anyhow!

I accompanied Shailey's mom to the police station here in town yesterday to finally retrieve the items seized in her prostitution case from the police evidence room.

We entered the police station and presented the paperwork that Shailey had given her mother, and about twenty minutes later they came out with a clear plastic bag full of evidence bags that were sealed with police tape, and a box sealed in a similar manner. You can see them pictured below.

However there WERE some items that were not given back to Shailey, including one of her cell phones, despite the fact that the prosecutor told her that there was NO reason why they should not be returned. So Shailey's attorney is going to be filing some papers in the next few days to force the police to release the rest of her belongings.

However Shailey's mom (Who is a darling woman by the way.) has mailed the items you see pictured above to Shailey's attorney and they should be there sometime tomorrow. So fairly soon we should be hearing some very specific bits of information from Shailey on her blog. (She told me that some of the REALLY sensitive info was included in the returned items, so she already has access to some very explosive proof.)

By the way for those who are constantly calling Shailey's story in to question, I want you to know that I have done some checking around, and that it is EXTRAORDINARILY unusual for the police to withhold evidence that has been released by the prosecutor. 

Essentially this is simply never done, therefore it does not exactly take a Sherlock Holmes to understand that the police are doing this to protect themselves, or on the orders of somebody who is NOT associated with the prosecutors office.

Stay tuned.

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