Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Review: Crave by JR Ward

Crave (Fallen Angels 2)
by J.R. Ward
Urban Fantasy

Alright BDB fans...Before you read this review, put aside your love for the Brothers just for a minute because I know everyone is dying for their next Brother fix. Once you’ve done that, pick up your copy of Crave if you haven’t already and just read. Don’t flip to the back to read the Lover Unleashed excerpt and don’t read Crave simply to spot Brother cameos. Read it because you love J.R. Ward’s writing style and you want to support her.

Now, where do I even start? I thought Covet was a great read. It had interesting and complex characters, steamy love scenes, and some good old heart n’ soul mixed into it. But Crave seems to be my favourite out of the two.

Crave is a lot more gritty and darker than the first book. Danger seems to be lurking in all corners this time and it’s interesting to see how Jim and his boys will handle Devina the second time around.

J.R. Ward is a genius at plotting so there are a few unexpected twists that are sure to remind readers that she’s got talent. Things pick up quick in the beginning and Ward’s storytelling grips you until the very end. Also, we get the answers to some of the questions that were raised in Covet.

One of my favourite things about this book is Ward’s writing style. It’s raw and gritty, but there’s so much heart in this little book. Ward is able to pull on your heart strings and make you feel sympathy for everyone, even the bad guys. Not to mention, there are a few great quotes in there that are sure to make you laugh out loud.

And the romance between Grier and Isaac is so explosive, it’s hard to believe that Isaac is a stone-cold killer and she is a sympathetic attorney trying to save his ass. The little ways in which Isaac slowly opens his heart to her is so sweet and beautiful. It rivals the sort of love you see in the BDB series.

So if you’ve read Covet and thought, “Meh, the BDB series is better”, give Crave a shot because not only has Ward stepped up her game, but she has proven that she’s able to write more than just about her sexy vamps. If Crave is any indication of how the Fallen Angels series will turn out, then Jim, Adrian and Eddie sure as hell need to be ready for a whole lot of fan-girlies coming their way. Because The Fallen Angels have arrived...

Purchase Links: Amazon

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