Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Books that make me pee my pants.

This weeks book is a doozy.

A big time doozy. No really, this book literally made me pee my pants. I've never laughed out loud so hard while reading a book, and I am a sucker for a funny book. This book, my friends, went into a permanent spot on my "Favorite Books of All Time" list.

I know. It's an honor just to be nominated. But she was actually picked.

The book is called....drumroll please.....

Conversations With The Fat Girl

And it was written by a most talented author, Liza Palmer.

Yeah...I almost don't even know where to start on this book. I'll just post the official blurb first, then rant later:

"Everyone seems to be getting on with their lives except Maggie. At 26, she's still serving coffee at The Beanery Coffee House, while her friends are getting married, having babies, and having real careers. Even Olivia, Maggie's best friend from childhood, is getting married to the doctor with whom she lives. Maggie's roommate? Her dog Solo (his name says it all). The man in Maggie's life? Well there isn't one, except the guy she has a crush on, Domenic, who works with her at the coffee shop as a bus boy."

Um....yeah. This blurb doesn't do this book justice. all. 

Okay, so I connected with this book on so many levels, it is impossible to articulate it properly. First off, Maggie and I are soul mates. I could relate to her plight so much, it honestly made me tear up a few times, based purely on how much I remember feeling the way she felt in certain scenes. Second, I have had many a crush on a man that seemed out of my league. Now, granted, I am happily married to the nerd of my dreams, but there was a time when I, too, longed for a man who was just too perfect to be in my league. 

There was also the connection I felt with Maggie's mouth. Warning: There are a lot of swear words in this book. And by a lot, I mean...a lot. And I could totally relate. I loved the fact that Maggie wasn't necessarily this mousy coffee shop girl. Sure, she was mousy, but she also had a huge personality that people didn't often get to see. I can relate to that. Also, there is a scene where she working out with her mother that I laughed so hard that I was crying and had to call and read it to my own mother. 


Liza Palmer is skilled. And I predict a long and amazing career for her. I am officially stalking her....and thus far, she hasn't put a restraining order on me, but I can't rule that out for the future. She is that good.

Run to the bookstore, or your laptop, and buy a copy of this book. Not now, not tomorrow, but right now. This is a book you will want to read again and again. I guarantee it.

Brooke Moss.

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