Friday, August 26, 2011

Tina Fey Might Use Tracy Morgan Gay Rant As 30 Rock Plotline

According to Tina Fey, 30 Rock might feature the Tracy Morgan gay controversy as a future plot point, which seems at least as entertaining as watching Tracy Jordan buy two blimps and crash them into each other to see what kind of sound they make. When asked by Deadline whether the anti-gay comments Morgan made earlier this summer would affect the show?s chances for an Emmy or reduce their audience, Fey replied, ?Because of my real-life pregnancy, we don?t go back on the air until January. I?m hoping that Tracy will have, and the world will have, forgotten about that by them. He from the first has gone around very sincerely and done his best to try to make up for the foolishness.? Don?t worry, everyone still associates him first and foremost with wanting to take them behind the middle school and get them pregnant.

Morgan later apologized for his comments in a GLAAD press conference, as well as defended of gay marriage. But since it happened (and since they already had Tracy visit Africa, have another baby and discover he has a son older than himself), Fey and the writing staff might just have to incorporate the scandal into 30 Rock?s upcoming season. ?It?s the kind of story that even if it happened to someone else, we would probably turn it into a Tracy story,? Tina mused. ?So we may use it.? We bet they will; Tracy Jordan?s lizard?s album drops in December, but then they have a lot of airtime to fill.

[Photo: WENN]

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