Saturday, August 27, 2011

o'blame game - Kudos & Blunders. (opines, Tea Party)

From: Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 Subject: Tea Party - Obama Blunders
     Kudos to the tea party terrorists but Obama and the liberals wanted to raise everyone's taxes, but this debt bill does not have any provisions for raising taxes. It strikes the world a bit strange when all the liberal idiots start using the same comments and phrases. It would seem in the world of twitter once a liberal calls the Tea Party folks terrorists, then all the idiots fall in behind in lockstep.
     You mean they are not smart enough to know that they will all appear in the media as a bunch of phony kool-aid drinkers.
!cid_3DEEC40F73AF4E3F9830952F35CD1D4F@SteveHP     But at the end of the day we all should thank the Tea Party folks for keeping the pressure on. And the bottom line is obvious. If we are ever going to return to capitalism, we need more Tea Party Politicians. So if you get a chance look at the debt bill of 74 pages that our well informed politicians passed. It would seem if they were honest the bill would be about a dozen pages in length. It would be simple. And any idiot could pick it up and understand the law. As it stands most politicians probably did not understand the law before they signed it.
     So it should have looked like this: The debt ceiling which is the amount the Federal government steals to pay for discretionary spending also known as pork barrel spending shall not exceed $1.2 trillion dollars in the next ten years. To clarify: This amount is the money that is spent by the government that exceeds the revenue allotted for to pay for these over-spent budget items.
     For every dollar that the government spends in this $1.2 trillion dollar range must be met with cuts to the existing budget to the tune of one dollar cut for one dollar spent. In plain English if the government spending increases the debt by $1.2 trillion dollars it must be matched with cuts in spending of $1.2 trillion dollars in 10 years. (Wink, wink!) Or should it be (Oink, oink!).
     And the congress will have an up and down vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment by a certain date. It can not be avoided by political shenanigans; it must be presented and voted on. (So the voters can see who voted against it)
     You didn't hear much about this but there is a 2 % reduction built in for Medicare. And there is an elimination of Federal student loans for professional and graduate students. The rest is about procedural crap and paying for and setting up more committees something our budget really needed. That only took about a half a page, why did it take your congress 74 pages? Guess they were looking for a lot of wiggle room!
     The major problem with all of this is why the ten year window? And if you look real close, there is a catch. Bet you weren't surprised. It looks like the debt ceiling can be raised in increments of $400 billion dollars without any big issue for the next ten years. And they only have to account for $1.2 trillion of it in ten years!
     And kudos to the tea party terrorists but Obama and the liberals wanted to raise everyone's taxes, but this debt bill does not have any provisions for raising taxes. So how stupid are we? If they don't cut the debt, they will eventually have to tax you to pay down the debt!
     To recap this fiasco, let's dream like liberals and imagine that the U.S. Congress only over-spends $1.2 trillion dollars in 10 years. That has not happened in a long while, but let's dream. So that means they are $14 trillion dollars in debt today. They add 1.2 trillion dollars and that equates to a debt of 15 trillion plus dollars in 10 years.
     This wonderful debt bill pertains (make-believe) to automatic spending cuts that will bring the debt back down to $14 trillion plus dollars. So you could be the dumbest person on the planet. Or you could be the guy in Problem Child that had the one brain between them to use today and what good is this debt bill? Maybe that's why the AAA rating disappeared as well!
     So if everything works exactly the way it should we are still over $14 trillion dollars in debt. So we have gained nothing. Good thing they called it terrorism!
     So what will the liberals and thieves do with an additional $1.2 trillion dollars in over-spending? Also factor in that they will spend it today (pre-election) and they don't have to make the cuts complete for 10 years. (Don't hold your breath).
     So no matter how you slice it this bill is stupid! And anyone that called the Tea Party politicians terrorists should be the ones sent to Gitmo. There used to be a time if you intended to cause harm to this country it was considered treason. Not any more: We call it left wing socialism....(KEEP READING)
"Obama-Blunders Are Trashing America One Trillion Dollars At A Time"
Steve Eichler -
     Obama renews call for more stimulus. Pummeled by ghastly economic news, President Obama called Monday for more spending and extended tax cuts that he said would help stimulate the economy - but these also could deepen the deficit problems that helped the federal government earn its first-ever debt downgrade last week.
     The president made the proposals as world stock market indexes were tumbling, and his remarks seemed designed to help the White House regain its political footing by resetting the congressional agenda next month. Mr. Obama said he wants the 2 percent payroll-tax cut extended into next year, the creation of an infrastructure bank by Congress to promote construction, and enhanced unemployment benefits extended for another year.
     "If Congress fails to extend the payroll-tax cut and the unemployment-insurance benefits that I've called for, it could mean 1 million fewer jobs and half a percent less growth," the president said from the White House, as stocks were in the midst of deep losses that would register a nearly 635-point drop in the Dow Jones industrial average. "This is something we can do immediately, something...(KEEP READING)
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