Friday, August 26, 2011

Like Mother...Like Daughter! I Love To See The SPIRIT Still LIVES!

Once upon a REALLY LONG TIME AGO...I was a cheerleader! 
Can you believe it?  Yes, I only did it my Junior Year of high school, but that didn't mean that I wasn't SPIRITED (in fact, I was voted MOST SPIRITED SENIOR GIRL)!  In fact, I like to believe I still am! 

So, today, when my oldest daughter got her first cheer leading uniform, I have to admit that I was teary and oh so proud! 
She looks adorable and just seeing a cheer uniform in my house brings back so many fun memories.  I LOVED cheering!  So far...she does too! 

I just had to share, because nostalgia is a hard one to let go of!  I will never PUSH her to be a cheerleader, but I am delighted that she's taking interest in it, at least a little!  Makes me feel like I've passed a little bit of the SPIRIT on to her! 

So there you go..."Let's Get A Little Bit ROWDY...
Love it!

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