Friday, August 26, 2011

Have a lovely weekend.

What are your plans for the weekend? Since Hurricane Irene is heading toward New York (eeps!), we're planning to stay indoors most of the time. I'm envisioning drinking wine, eating chips and dip, and letting Toby take like 18 splashy baths. Hope you stay safe wherever you are, and in the meantime, here are a few great links from around the web...(P.S. Thanks for a really fun relationships week!)

Clever decorating.

Finally saw Bridesmaids--it was hilarious.

The sweetest post. Someone hire Sharon, she is the best! (Also hard-working with a great blog.)

Love these heart earrings.

And heart tights!

A breakfast banana split.

How to swim with all your stuff.

Rainbow hair. Would you do it?

The funniest Craigslist roommate ad--I want to live with this dude. :)

My summer favorites at Felt + Wire.

The Zagat History of my last relationship. (Funny if you know what Zagats is:)

Plus, for relationships week, here are five romantic posts from Cup of Jo:
* A sweet framed receipt.
* What people look like before bed.
* Big or small wedding kiss?
* Old-fashioned veil.
* A short video about true love that will break your heart.

(Photo by Anne Parker, via Melanie)

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