From Business Insider:
A spokesperson for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) said that if there is any damage caused by Hurricane Irene requiring federal disaster funding, the money would have to be balanced out by spending cuts elsewhere in government.
"We aren't going to speculate on damage before it happens, period," his spokesperson Laena Fallon told TalkingPointsMemo. "But, as you know, Eric has consistently said that additional funds for federal disaster relief ought to be offset with spending cuts."
Already states from North Carolina to New York have declared states of emergency in preparation for the storm.
You know I wish Eric Cantor were MY Congressman. So I could punch him right in the ball sack!
What kind of cowardly piece of bull feces holds victims of a disaster hostage so that he can earn a couple of political points with the tiny minority of Teabaggers currently holding the GOP hostage?
Oh yeah, THIS cowardly piece of bull feces.
I certainly hope the people of Virginia keep this incident in mind the next time Snidely Whiplash here is up for reelection.
By the way if you are from Virginia, forget about punching Cantor in the scrotum. He would have to actually have balls for you to punch him IN them.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Eric Cantor will withhold federal disaster funding to states impacted by Hurricane Irene unless Democrats agree to spending cuts.
Eric Cantor,
Federal Government,
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