Friday, July 1, 2011

A Very Sad Post



I am sad because I have finally come to realize that I must flee the USA and my hopeless Student Loan Debt situation, for which there is no legal or political remedy.

How and when I leave I will not say.  

I will have to leave all of my loved ones behind.

I will have to leave my old Father and my old Mother. I will never see them again 

The Brother that I Love.

My Three Sisters, whom I also Love very much. Never to see again when I am far off on a distant shore.

My niece, and my four nephews. 

My heart is heavy, and I feel very, very sad. 

But please understand that here in the USA, with my Student Loan debt, I am a shadow citizen.

I lurk among the daylight people with ruined credit for life.

I am crippled by that.

I do not fit in with any social class at all, and I am the bad guy.

Oh Dear God!

I am so sad.

My posting will slow down now since I will be living away from my computer in an unoccupied house (except for me) for the next 2 or 3 months.  

But maybe that is a break that I need. It is a very secluded and nice place.

If you like, please feel free to go thru my older posts and stories, which I will finish up.

PK,  I really am sorry. So much I wanted to say, but never will have a chance.

To my first and only wife, I miss you terribly, and feel so alone. 

But I will have my banjo, and my summer reading books along, and, once a week, try to post if I can. 

And I will keep writing, but in a notebook in longhand. 

I will have to come back here to my PC for my mail and to do my laundry anyway.

So that is it.

And this is a very sad song,  and pretty much sums up where I am at. 

And as always, the Angel. 
The Seal Maiden: Karan:


* Added July 2:

I used to Listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity for 4,5 or six 6 hours on the radio for many years. But because of my Debt, I am now no longer conservative in my views. 

And, for more summer reading go here: 

Furthermore, I now have my doubts about Capitalism as a system in general. See this old image:

Up there with the preachers and religious folk might as well be Lady Gaga, Mick Jagger, Rap Stars, Country and Western Stars, and Bruce Springsteen etc. All producer controlled corporate, custodial, commodity "Artists" of questionable merit, that grow wealthy in our system, and make others wealthy as well. 

Lastly, and to conclude this Post, read Alexis De Tocqueville, for in a lot of ways, I feel De Tocqueville, over 150 years ago,  predicted the creation of the crass monstrosity known as Lady Gaga, and the ultimate crassness of a non philosophical present day American Society.

Let me ask you this: What can be more vulgar and tasteless than the punishing of the educated class of a society by placing its students deeply in debt for most of their adult lives?

The late Professor Allan Bloom called it. The American Mind is now completely closed. 

I know, I know, Glenn Beck puts his own spin on Paine and the founding fathers. Quite an elaborate one in fact, and a bit convoluted at times.

But I have my own interpretation as well.

And I don't view things in black and white Liberal Vs Conservative terms in the way Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, and Glenn Beck and Bill O'reilly etc. do.

And I ain't in the NPR camp either.

Anyway, have a good 4th of July Weekend, and Dance to Tom Paine's Bones!

Relax, I added this Pic as a Joke.
After all, it is July 4th Weekend
Not July 14th :)


July 2: 7:59PM

Just one more thing. I did find the Ann Coulter Books that my Father has on his bookshelf.

I looked at her image on the two covers, and thought I saw an Irish Lassie with great big beautiful blue eyes, merging into seawater green, and so I googled the Coulter surname.

And well, I hit paydirt. She is of Scottish descent for sure! 

To anyone who is uninitiated, the Scots are a Celtic People, but much more fiery, I think, than the Irish!

Ah! Ann! Me Scottish Lassie!

So here is a Robert Burns song: "Sweet Tibbie" (Sigh!)

Oh Ann! Wilt Thou go with me?

And, of Course, that Scot Rebel to the end of his days. Ed Miller:

A Man's a Man For All That!


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