Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Review: Rock Me by Cherrie Lynn


Rock Me
by Cherrie Lynn
Erotica Romance

What I liked about Rock Me:
• I loved Candace’s innocence! I loved that she was relatively clueless in her sexual nature and that she learned and explored with Brian. Typically, I don’t enjoy virgin heroines much in erotica romance because they are too naive, but Candace wasn’t stupidly annoying. In fact, there were times when I liked her more than Brian.
• Which leads me to another reason why I liked this book. ..Despite being a virgin, Candane knew what she wanted from the very beginning - Brian. It was evident in the way she sheepishly made her way to the tattoo parlour in the beginning and asked for a tattoo by him. And it was evident in the way she told Brian that she wanted him on that first night together. I loved the fact that she made her feelings known. It made me love her even more!

What I disliked about Rock Me:
This may come as a shocker to many, but Brian annoyed me a lot throughout this book. He believed he was unworthy to be loved by Candy, deeming himself a loser who didn’t deserve her virginity. For the first few pages it was okay, but then it started to impede the plot progression. And then the story got stuck. For a long time, I waited until Brian snapped out of his brooding phase and he does, but it took too long for me.

Another thing that made me sad was the quarrelling between Evan and Brian. I loved Evan in Unleashed, so to read about him fighting with his brother made me want to give both of them a hug. Combined with Candy’s issues with her overprotective and demanding mother, it was just too much family drama for me in one book. Perhaps if it was one or the other, it would have been more easier to read.

All in all, Rock Me did rock my socks off because despite the family drama, my toes curled and my heart lurched. Brian is sexy as hell, so if you’re looking for some erotica with a little more substance, Rock Me is your best bet!

Purchase links: Amazon

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