Friday, July 1, 2011

Review: Rock Hard by Olivia Cunning

Rock Hard
by Olivia Cunning
Erotic Romance
(Sinners on Tour # 2)

I may be in the minority here, but I loved this book. Actually, I can honestly say I'll take this one over the first one! *cue gasps* Yes, I know Sed is a bit of an arrogant ass, who seems to not have a care in the world for others feelings, only his own, but he's such a sweet teddy bear on the inside!

I was very curious about him from the first book. He was probably the worst in that one because of the way he treated women, and although I'm not necessarily forgiving him acting like a total jackass, I understand why he did it. He cares too much about everyone around him. Truly wants whats best for them. He is a true friend, a loyal partner, and someone to have on your side. I think his interactions with the rest of the band show that. He didn't give up on Trey, either, even when that put everyone else against him. I respect him for that. And lets face it... the guy knows how to turn a womans insides to complete mush! OMG! The level of creativity was off the charts in this book. And I really enjoyed all their walks around town and little sex-capades! Sed Lionheart! You are amazing! And he deserved a better girl in the end. I felt his love for Jessica bordered a bit on obsession, even though cute at times, he let her walk all over him.

Really? Don't get me started. She's the reason I dropped this to a 4 star. I don't like her. She doesn't appreciate what she has, she's self-centered, selfish, egotistical, and yes a bit of a slut. First off, she wants to work a summer as a stripper to make up some money for college because she lost one of her scholarships. WHAT? If she's so smart and wants to be a lawyer, she couldn't come up with a better job than that to make money for a whole summer? I understand and agree with her original reason for leaving Sed, he was an ass. But I don't agree with her jumping his bones right away because she wants to get back at him. She has a bad habit of starting fights for the stupidest things also, and blaming Sed for everything that goes wrong in her life.

Awwwww my poor baby!!!! I want to confort him!!! LOL Sexy Trey had a bit of a rough time in this one, and had me worried, but he finally got back to his usual self. But I missed him!!!!!! I can't wait to read more about him. He is funny, sexy, has magic fingers... PAUSE *let me wipe the drool off my keyboard* Did I mention he has all these sexy piercings everywhere? *sigh*

Can he think of anything else but his precious little Myrna? His buddy was in serious trouble for a while and he was just oblivious! And Trey relies on him so much! I know he's married now, but I think he should still make more time for Trey.

How come we didn't get more details of his adventure with Aggie??? *waggles eyebrows* He is so intriguing, I can't wait to read his book!! He is mysterious, edgy, sexy and so endearing at the same time.

Another don't get me started one, so I won't go there.

In General
The Sinners as a group went through a lot in this book. A lot of unexpected things, that kept the story fresh, and I feel will keep bringing them together. Talk about some disaster concerts! LOL Sed really is a great entertainer and kept the show going! I was also releived to find a lot less groupie anctics! The boys are growing up! Speaking of groupies... the groupies and fans against Jessica, that was really harsh! WOW! They took mean to a whole new level.

And you can now get in Olivia Cunning's head and listen to the playlist for Rock Hard:

Music Playlist at

Favorite Quotes:

"You've been charged with attempted murder," she said.
His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "I have?"
"Yes, if you don't stop teasing me I'm going to die."
"Without you, I'm nothing. Don't you understand that?"
"I love you," he whispered. "I can't keep it inside any longer. I know you don't feel the same - I can live with that - but it doesn't change how I feel. I love you so much I can't breathe sometimes."

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