Friday, July 1, 2011

Review: Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning

Backstage Pass
by Olivia Cunning
(Sinners on Tour # 1)

Hot sexy rockstars... check. Great concerts and stage antics... check. Tour bus fun? Check! A BIG BAD BEAST? CHECK CHECK CHECK ;) What can I say? I love music, bad boys, rock stars and scorching hot sex! So Sinners here I come!

The first book in the Sinners on Tour series focuses on lead guitarist Brian a.k.a Master Sinclair. With his black hair, heavy eyeliner, and quick and talented fingers, he is as dreamy as they come. He is also a hopeless romantic. Even though he's a big rock star, he keeps falling in love with women that don't appreciate him. Until he meets Myrna. She's a college professor, very proper, but she's also a fan of the band, and can't believe her luck when she finds them hanging out at the hotel bar where she was giving a lecture.

They were supposed to just have one night of fun, but Brian is in love, and he goes after her.

I loved Brian's attention to her, he was like a little kid at a candy store, he couldn't get enough of her. *Wish that would've been me!!!*  And I also thought it was very original how having sex with her gives him inspiration to write his music. Who wouldn't want to be his muse? Especially considering his *ehem* skills and *ehem* equipment.

The other members of the band are endearing as well, yes, even Sed. Some people may have a bit of a problem with the way the band members treated women, but you have to understand they are rock stars. I wouldn't say rock stars would treat their groupies (who throw themselves at them) in a respectful way. So, that being said (and *sucks circles* aside) Sed is a tormented soul and I can't wait to read his book.

Now onto the heroine of this story. Myrna. She was my one problem with this book. I just couldn't like her. I tried. She acts like she wants to be so proper, and somehow she's let her ex husband affect her so much in how she views herself, it's distracting every time we get in her head! I just wanted to slap her!

And.... there were two times that TOTALLY killed my mood that deserve mentioning because they were just too weird not to, but I won't spoil them completely for you. First, the bathroom scene with Brian and Myrna having sex in the tub, Eric's presence there was just random. Second, the airport bathroom sex scene. One word for that: EEEWWWWWWW Now for one thing that I did like.... maybe a bit of a spoiler.... yes, there's a threesome! And it was an emotional one at the same time as it was sexy.

But be prepared to be completely distracted from anything you have to do! You will fall in love with the Sinners and will have to keep reading about them.

And you can now get in Olivia Cunning's head and listen to the playlist for Backstage Pass:

Music Playlist at

Favorite Quotes:

He put his fingertips against her forehead.
"You must be at least this tall to ride The Beast."
"Secure your belongings and keepy your arms and legs around the ride at all times."

"I know you crave pain because I made you feel like a whore. That voyeuristic stuff was hot, Mryna, but I'd rather treasure you. I don't think you understand how beautiful you are. How amazing your lack of inhibition is. How wonderful..."
He seemed to realize he'd said too much.

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