Thursday, July 21, 2011

Reggie Bush Dating Kim Kardashian Lookalike According to Kim K Lawsuit

It looks like Reggie Bush has a type; even if former-girlfriend Kim Kardashian and her lawyer may be the only ones who think so.

According to the New York Daily News, Bush, who split with Kardashian last year, is rumored to be dating Melissa Molinaro, an actress who is at the center of a lawsuit filed against Old Navy by Kim K.

The suit claims Molinaro looks too much like the reality TV star in the clothing store's ad campaign.  Bush's new squeeze is accused by Kardashian's attorney of mimicking Kim K in the television ads which ran last winter.

Even if most people didn't see the immediate resemblance, Bush--the former USC and current NFL player-- must have.  Molinaro is said to be dating Kardashian's ex.

Kardashian, who claims her sultry looks are a famous brand, filed suit yesterday against the clothing giant Old Navy who used the buxom Molinaro in the advertisements last February.

Yesterday, Gary Hecker, an attorney for Kardashian, filed suit in a U.S. District court against Old Navy for compensatory and punitive damages for "unauthorized use of Kardashian's name, identity and likeness."

"We're seeking damages according to proof," said Hecker. "Kim Kardashian is immediately recognizable and known for her look and style.  Her identity and persona are valuable.  When her intellectual property rights are violated, she intends to enforce them."

The sexy actress said the comparisons to Kim K started after the ad first aired.  In the spots she is seen dancing and lip-synching.  The ad has attracted more than 2 million views on YouTube.

For those wondering why Kardashian waited so long to file the suit over the clone and if it is some sort of  jab at her ex, the newly-engaged Kim K said," I worked hard to support the products I'm personally involved with and that I believe in."  She just recently signed a deal with Sears.

If you think all curvy, full-bottomed, pouting brunettes look like Kim Kardashian, she might have a case.  Apparently Reggie Bush likes the look.

Old Navy has not commented.

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