Wednesday, July 20, 2011

o'who? - misinformation operation, ACORN, eligibility

Message Posted: Jul 20, 2011 9:31:28 PM
In the words of Gunnery Sgt. Hartman, "He (o'Marxist) doesn't have the common courtesy to give you a 'reach around.'"

repost from forum at:

Message Posted on Jul 20, 2011 10:19:09 PM
     Some time ago, a poster on this thread [at] told us all he was paid fifty bucks to vote for BHO in our election, even though he's a Canadian.  I asked him for the details of this but none were offered, so I don't know if he was telling us the truth or not.  He would often tell us how he loved BHO..... I suppose fifty bucks is fifty bucks, right?
     Then, the activities of ACORN and their involvement in the BHO campaign was all pretty much swept under the rug, so to speak.  Like usual, there was no real accountability for a democrat who was helped by organized crime, found out, then given a "get out of jail free card".   ACORN was paying folks to vote for BHO and passing out other favors, also registering people multiple times to multi-vote.  I would remind the reader that taxpayer funds were passed out to ACORN for their many activities.  What ACORN did was highly illegal, only a couple of folks in their organization were punished.  I believe BHO was involved in this right to the top of the leadership of ACORN.  So, what happened to him?  Nothing friends!!
     Now, brewing still, is the eligibility issue.... this has not been resolved and there are those who continue to strive to bring justice to account on the alleged violations.  Those who hold the view that BHO is Constitutionally not eligible to hold the office, have been made fun of, ignored, and impugned and called names like "birthers" and such.  It has been the belief of this author for some time that the allegations are indeed true and can be easily proven.  Problem is, it is now a 'political' issue, and in light of this, or better yet, the darkness of this, the issue is not being given the scrutiny it deserves.  This goes to the very fundamentals of our government and it's laws.  It would seem warm fuzzy feelings and political correctness have eclipsed the law.
     I read today that there is a possibility on the eligibility issue that BHO has set up over a hundred misinformation outlets to attack and destroy anyone who brings up the question.   I read that there are those who are being paid to spread hate and discontent while doing everything they can to discredit those who want answers.  The investigator has discovered that there is a main character involved who is probably being paid with taxpayer money to spread lies and to protect BHO from "birther" attacks.  I'm sure there will be more details of this emerging soon, I will try to keep you posted..... in the mean time, we are observing our country being unravelled by a fraud and cheat.
     These are dangerous times my friend.

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