Friday, July 22, 2011

My Last Post

With no disrespect to Nando and Cryn, and allthe other bloggers,  I'm done.

I'm done because I realize that all of this is futile with respect to my immediate and panicked debt situation.

I am the one that wildly owes all the Student Loan money, and I am the one that stuck my neck out. Tried to reach out until I finally realized what a public fool I was making of myself.

And now that my head is chopped off, and no one cares, I will have to flee the USA in the end. Somehow, Someway. Someday.

It has all been fun, but blogging seems futile now, and I am really, really emotionally at the end of my deeply indebted rope and really freaked out by my deep student loan debt.

A letter in the mail last week with my 300K SL balance on paper has been a part of my decision.

I'm tired of living in the fishbowl, and will go back to private life.

So I hope that all the silent creeps and toadies and lick spittles have had a lot of fun peering at me as I have entertained youse all in my fishbowl. 

There are some people from Touro Law School that I hate with all my soul, and that is a Sin, and I will try to overcome that hatred.

But now I am going back to my private life. And I mean a very, very private life.

It is all beter that way.

Divide and conquer. What better way to win?

The Law Schools all win in the end, it seems.

But Winning is not always important, as some of you younger people will realize someday.

Sometimes winning is the worst thing that one can do.

What do I mean by that?

Youse will all just have to figure it out. Maybe after geting married.

Anyway, I have a life too, and now I am going to try to salvage what scraps are left of it.

I will leave the blog up until the end of the year.

In the meantime, I seek out a new home, outside the USA.

And Fer Me Lady Ann Coulter:

And, as always, the Angel, and Beautiful Karan, the Silkie (Seal Maiden). There is no place like home.

All Done, but I will still be on my youtube channel, with banjo songs etc.

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