Friday, July 1, 2011
Michele Bachmann solidifies pro-life credibility by speaking out about miscarriage. That sound you hear is Sarah Palin banging her head against the wall.
Courtesy of the Washington Post:
So this is what an “evangelical feminist” looks like.
During a week of speculation in the religion blogosphere about how Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann embodies the term, the GOP presidential candidate hinted at why that worldview may inform her politics and connect her to constituents.
At a South Carolina campaign event Wednesday night, she shared that she became certain of her antiabortion beliefs after having a miscarriage.
“Part of our faith is standing for the area of life. and we are completely committed,” Bachmann said of herself and her husband. “After our second child was born, we became pregnant with a third baby, and it was an unexpected baby, but of course we were delighted to have this child. And the child was coming along, and we ended up losing that child. And it was devastating for both of us, as you can imagine if any of you have lost a child.”
“At that moment we didn’t think of ourselves as overly career-minded or overly materialistic. When we lost that child, it changed us. And it changed us forever.”
“And so we made a commitment that no matter how many children were brought into our life we would receive them, because we’re committed to life. And we didn’t know it at that time that we’d be foster parents and that one day we’d be parents of 28 children, but we are extremely grateful for that opportunity because you can get money wrong, but you can’t get life wrong. And I am committed to life.”
You just know that somewhere Sarah is screaming, "A miscarriage? That's all it takes? Dammit I actually HAD one of those!"
But instead of taking the simple route, Palin faked a Readers Digest version of a pregnancy, and is now saddled with raising a special needs child as a result of her desperate gamble to get the kind of pro-life status that Bachmann just received by talking about a child to whom she DIDN'T give birth.
The irony is just too rich!
Now I am certainly NOT a Michele Bachmann fan, but this is yet another illustration of just how much more intelligent she is than the Grizzled Mama from the north.
(P.S. How much would you NOT like to be the Palin family refrigerator today?)
Michele Bachmann,
Sarah Palin
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