There is nothing in this world more sweet, innocent or positively amazing than a newborn baby. Ten months in the making...growing, developing, learning and despite a lot of pain, you are your arms...the most beautiful child you've ever seen (no matter what they really look like).
I've done it four times and can vogue that there is truly no feeling that can match that moment. It's truly elating to meet your child for the first time.
My baby boy is turning 3 in a few weeks and I am in absolute denial. There is not an ounce of baby left in him. NONE! He wants to be a big boy. He talks like a big boy. He potties like a big boy. He even dresses himself, feeds himself and tells me, "MOMMY...I'm a big boy!"
I know I will always miss having a newborn in my house. Having a sweet baby nursing on my breast and snuggling with me in the middle of the night. Do I regret making the decision to not have more? Not at all...but I truly believe this feeling, that I'm feeling, will never "FULLY" leave me either.
Now I get to enjoy my family and friend's new babies and far, far in the future...look forward to my Grand babies taking their first breaths. LIKE I SAID...a long, long time from now!
Do you ever feel this way?
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