Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Congratulations - Julie Kenner!

From Deadline Hollywood:

1492 Pictures and South Korea-based CJ Entertainment unveiled their first slate this morning since signing a three-year development deal late last year to create family-friendly films with global appeal. 1492 partners Chris Columbus, Michael Barnathan and Mark Radcliffe pick the projects, and CJ funds development and will co-finance production with studio partners.

They start out with three thrillers.

* Carpe Demon is an adaptation of the Julie Kenner novel Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom. Columbus will rewrite the story of a stay-at-home mother charged with cleaning up her demon-plagued small town.

I read this book a couple of months ago and it's a lot of fun - a soccer mom who was once a Buffy-like demon hunter keeps her past secret from her local politician husband and two kids... but when demons invade her town this becomes more difficult. Every chapter ends with a cliff hanger, and it does a great job of mixing domestic issues with supernatural suspense. The book is clearly aimed at the soccer mom set, but it was a fun read for those of us who don't fit that demo.

Now, we get to see the movie!

The Deadline Hollywood Story.

Congratulations to Julie!

- Bill

TODAY'S SCRIPT TIP: DVD Explosion! - and how theatrical releases are just commercials.

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